Friday, December 16, 2011

How do you change the tires on the Power Wheels Arctic Cat jeep?

My little brother has that truck and he drives it EVERYWHERE!!! Well for about 2 1/2 months his tires have been splitting and now we need ew tires. We bought the new tires and they should come in by Wednesday. but we don't know how to change them. Does anyone know hw? Please i need ur help!

Best answer gets ten points.|||Shouldn't be too hard. Look now at the tires - probably a "cap" type "nut" that is pushed on the end of a rod that holds the tire on. These are a one time use. Use plyers or something to pull the cap off. The tire will slide right off. Slide a new one one. Then hammer (lightly) a new cap on the end of the rod.

Hopefully a new cap will come with the tires. If not, you local hardware store probably sells them - pretty cheap.|||BEST ANSWER

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